Astronomical Links
Amateur Astronomer Clubs
Orange County Astronomers
- Orange County, CA. The OCA is the club that helped to nuture my interest in
Astronomy. After 25 years I can still find old friends here.
Ames Area Amateur Astronomers,
Inc. - Ames, Iowa
Southern Astronomical Society
- Queensland, Australia
Planetariums and Science Centers
Adler Planetarium Chicago, Illinois
Griffith Observatory
- Los Angeles, California
Maryland Science Center
- Baltimore, Maryland
Some of my own projects
STScI Catalogs and Surveys Branch
The STScI Digitized Sky Survey
search for UV bright objects.
Other Professional WWW Projects
ALEXIS Project
Astronomical Data Center
Medium Deep Survey
The NASA/JPL Imaging
CATALOG-April 1996
Astronomical Periodicals
Astrophysical Journal
Astronomical Journal
Science Online
Sky Publishing - The home of
"Sky and Telescope".
"The Astronomer"
Observatories, Spacecraft and Organizations
International Dark Sky Association
STScI/HST Public
Information - Hubble related information and pictures.
Mauna Kea Observatory
Mt. Wilson Observatory
U.S. Navel Observatory
AAS Home Page 1 /
AAS Home Page 2
- The "American Astronomical Society"
University Astronomy Departments
University of Bradfor, England
University of Hawaii,
Institute for Astronomy
Univerity of
Washington - My Alma Mater
Educational Resources in Astronomy
CLEA - Astronomical Software by Gettysburg College, PA
Astronomical Software
Software Bisque - The Sky
& RealSky
Amateur Resources
Astro Net/Mall
The STScI Digitized Sky Survey
Astro Archeology
Mayan Astronomy
Miscellaneous Astronomical Links
How to refer to a source or
designate a new one.
IAU Recommendations for Nomenclature.
Royal Greenwich
Observatory E-Mail search tool
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Last updated 6 June 2001