Astronomical Links

Amateur Astronomer Clubs

Orange County Astronomers - Orange County, CA. The OCA is the club that helped to nuture my interest in Astronomy. After 25 years I can still find old friends here.

Ames Area Amateur Astronomers, Inc. - Ames, Iowa
Southern Astronomical Society - Queensland, Australia

Planetariums and Science Centers

Adler Planetarium Chicago, Illinois
Griffith Observatory - Los Angeles, California
Maryland Science Center - Baltimore, Maryland

Some of my own projects

STScI Catalogs and Surveys Branch
The STScI Digitized Sky Survey
LANNING UV SURVEY - A search for UV bright objects.

Other Professional WWW Projects

ALEXIS Project
Astronomical Data Center
Medium Deep Survey
The NASA/JPL Imaging Radar

Astronomical Periodicals

Astrophysical Journal
Astronomical Journal
Science Online
Sky Publishing - The home of "Sky and Telescope".
"The Astronomer"

Observatories, Spacecraft and Organizations

International Dark Sky Association
STScI/HST Public Information - Hubble related information and pictures.
Mauna Kea Observatory
Mt. Wilson Observatory
U.S. Navel Observatory
AAS Home Page 1 / AAS Home Page 2 - The "American Astronomical Society"

University Astronomy Departments

University of Bradfor, England
University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy
Univerity of Washington - My Alma Mater

Educational Resources in Astronomy

Project CLEA - Astronomical Software by Gettysburg College, PA

Astronomical Software

Software Bisque - The Sky & RealSky

Amateur Resources

Astro Net/Mall
The STScI Digitized Sky Survey

Astro Archeology

Mayan Astronomy

Miscellaneous Astronomical Links

How to refer to a source or designate a new one.
IAU Recommendations for Nomenclature.
Royal Greenwich Observatory E-Mail search tool

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Last updated 6 June 2001